Lunch Information

The Grande Innovation Academy believes long-term healthy eating habits developed at an early age are easier to stick to later in life. Healthy eating habits have a positive effect both mentally and physically on every scholar, every day. We have established nutritional, physical activity, and scholar wellness goals which include:

  • GIA’s goal for nutrition education is that a minimum of two times a month the scholars receive health class with their PE teacher. Included in the lessons are nutrition information and making good food choices.
  •  GIA’s goal is that every scholar received a 30-minute period of PE every day. The K-3rd graders also have an additional 15 minutes of recess. All scholars K-8th grade receive 15 minutes of recess at lunchtime.
  • GIA’s goal is that twice a month kitchen/garden classes are held for all scholars.

Please take a moment to download and review our local wellness policy and goals.