Pick Up and Drop Off Procedures

The Grande Innovation Academy has over 45 staff members conducting pickup every day come rain or shine! Our #1 priority is getting every scholar into their car safely and efficiently. It’s impossible to know every car and every family member, so please follow these directions precisely.  The process goes smoothly when everyone follows the rules, the procedures and is patient.

  • Your parking placard MUST be displayed on your dash:
        • Orange is for kindergarten
        • Yellow is for siblings
        • Blue is for singles
  • Scholars are released at 4 p.m. 
  • We will not release scholars during Protected Time (3:00-3:30 for kindergarteners and 3:30-4:00 for 1st-8th)
  • We will not allow scholars to walk across the parking lot unassisted. If you park you must walk to the location your scholar is waiting and pick them up.
  • The information below contains important parking lot pickup information and procedures for pick-up.

The Pick Up System


Pick-up will take place in front of our gym. You’ll enter the parking lot and drive straight back. Stay in your car and a staff member will bring him/her to you. You’ll turn in the bus circle and exit out the same place you entered. ALL cars, all families/friends who are picking-up MUST have the BLUE placard in their passenger’s side dashboard/window. You’ll get this at your Meet-the-Teacher time.


Pick-up is at 3:30 along the south (Home Depot) curb. Your scholar will be standing there with their teacher. Stay in your car and a staff member will bring him/her to you. If you have a kinder with older sibs follow the directions for Siblings.

Pick-Up Instructions:

  • Enter the road from Florence Blvd by the car wash. Drive north to GIA’s gate. The gate will be opened at 2:50 p.m. Proceed to the lanes by the gym.
  • The staff will put your child in the car.
  • Follow all signage and the staff directions.
  • Your Pick-Up Placard MUST be displayed on the passenger side of the dashboard or hanging from the rearview mirror. (No Placard=parking and picking up in the office)
Kinder Pick-Up Map

1st – 8th Grade Singles: 

You’ll line up along the south (Home Depot) curb. Stay in your car and a staff member will bring him/her to you.

Pick-Up Instructions:

  • ENTER the Parking Lot. Proceed east for sibling pick-up along the gym curb.
  • Make a U-Turn and wrap on the south side of campus for single pick-up.
  • Follow all signage and the staff directions.
  • Don’t enter the parking lot before 3:00 p.m.
  • If you are picking up siblings or carpooling, you will continue to use that lane even if you have absent scholars.
1-8th Pick-Up Map

A B C’s of Pick Up



Be ALERT at all times. 



BE Patient



This is a CELL Phone Free Zone.

Traffic Owls