Parent-teacher conferences are on the horizon for GIA parents beginning on October 28th. Before arriving for a conference with you scholar’s teacher, it’s important that you are prepared for a conversation about your scholar’s needs in and out of the classroom. With help from the Global Family Research Project, below are a few tips for a successful parent-teacher conference, including what to consider and questions you may need to ask!

  • Review your scholar’s schoolwork, grades, and other important reports such as test grades. Parent-teacher conferences are a great time to gauge how you scholar is doing academically. You and your scholar’s teacher should discuss where your scholar has room to improve, and in what areas your scholar is succeeding!
  • As it becomes relevant, discuss what your scholar is like at home. Behaviors at home translate directly to their time in school. Since your scholar’s teacher is an important part of their day, it’s important that the teacher is aware of major incidents at home so they can best meet your scholar’s needs.
  • Be honest. No one is perfect! Not even your scholar. Parent-teacher conferences are a great time to discuss your thoughts on your scholar’s academic performance, as well as what hobbies or extracurriculars they may enjoy and what sort of friendships they have. At GIA, the whole scholar is looked after, we’re not just interested in grades.
  • Schedule a time or a timeline for following up. This tip is especially necessary if you and you scholar’s teacher discussed ways that your scholar may need to improve. We highly encourage keeping open and frequent communication between you and your scholar’s teacher.
  • Talk to your scholar. Before and after your parent-teacher conference, you should talk to your scholar about any concerns or questions they have for you, and vice versa.

Happy conferencing!

To view the full guide on preparing for your parent-teacher conference, click here. For any questions about your upcoming conference, how to prepare, and other best practices, reach out to [email protected].

GIA is not affiliated with the Global Family Research Project.