Welcome. If you’re a GIA parent, you’re in the right place! As we kick off a new school year and get our scholars comfortable and excited about the year ahead, we think it’s important to provide parents with resources to stay connected. After all, we share a common interest: your scholar! Just like being a teacher, being a parent is a full-time job, and GIA offers a number of resources for parents, grandparents, and any other type of guardian.

Resources include:

  • Parenting resource books, located right in the front office! Some titles include, “Grandparents as Parents,” “Screens and Teens,” “The Tech-Wise Family,” and “Parenting with Love & Logic.” We know that entry into the school is limited right now, but if you are interested in checking out a book from our “Parent Library,” give GIA a call and we’d be happy to work with you.
  • Go 360 Parent Portal. This mobile app and web portal offers parents a complete, integrated interface for parents to review classroom data, pay fees or meal account balances, and receive district announcements.
  • Your scholar’s teacher! If this one seems obvious, it’s because it is. While a GIA teacher’s primary role is to educate your scholar(s), we encourage parents to have discussions with your scholar’s teacher. Maybe they notice something during the day that needs to be addressed at home, or can offer best practices to maximize your scholar’s learning.
  • GIA Counselor, Melody Holloway, and other GIA administrators. Ms. Holloway is a licensed counselor and available to both parents and students to discuss things like parenting habits, student productivity, and tips for improving parent-child relationships. As always, GIA administrators are available for parent meetings, and you can call the front office to make an appointment.

Don’t forget to periodically check your GIA family calendar for all upcoming events and home sports games. Yours and your scholar’s attendance is highly encouraged and provides a chance to connect with your scholar’s teacher(s), other parents, as well as school administrators.

Questions or comments about GIA parent resources? Reach out to [email protected] and someone from GIA will be in touch.