Part of GIA’s mission is to provide a highly innovative experience for its scholars and teachers. To achieve this, GIA has done research and remained up-to-date on the latest technology to maximize learning. One of these resources is Ask2Learn. Ask2Learn is an AI-based software that helps teachers perform better in their classrooms, through classroom recordings and personalized analytics that gauge how a teacher can be more or less engaging in their classrooms.

How does it work, you ask? When a GIA teacher is looking for feedback from Ask2Learn, they wear a microphone that records the instruction and classroom discussion. After the instruction finishes, the teacher may upload the recording on Ask2Learn, where an algorithm will determine if the teacher was talking more than scholars, vice versa, and how to create a more efficient learning environment. When Ask2Learn is given this information, it provides key performance metrics. Some examples include:

  • What types of questions is the teacher asking, and are the questions designed to promote scholar inquiry?
  • How much is the teacher talking vs. scholars talking?
  • How many questions is the teacher asking during a lesson?
  • How fast is the teacher speaking throughout the course of a lesson?

Cool, right? Teachers can track their progress over time and share their progress with the school administration or their colleagues. At GIA, we want teachers to be able to set, track, and obtain their goals. Collaboration and professional development are a few ways this can be done, but embracing the technology available to us is what sets GIA apart as a truly innovative community.

Questions or comments about Ask2Learn or how our teachers are using it? Reach out to [email protected] and someone from GIA will be in touch.

This blog is not sponsored by Ask2Learn, and should not be considered an official advertisement for the software.